Banner Message
HokuBook Company will be in the bookstore for book buyback December 16 & 17, 9 am - 6 pm and December 18, 9 am - 1 pm. Bring textbooks to get a cash offer. Buyback hours and days are contingent of HokuBook Company's personnel and available funds.
ICC will be closed December 23 through January 1, 2025. We will be open January 2.
Charges using financial aid for Spring 2025 semester and Term 1 will open January 6 and close January 28. Orders placed before January 6 will be held and processed on January 6. We will have extended hours during the charge period.
***IMPORTANT CHANGES TO RETURN POLICY*** Please go to the store policies tab and read our updated return policy.
Special Items
Isothermal Community College logo engraved on this superior hot & cold double wall insulated Polar Camel water bottle! The screw on lid features an easy flip top, soft rubber finger hold, rasied ridges for easy opening and closing, and a rigid & removable straw for easy cleaning.
Available in royal/white wave, navy/white wave, sangria, sapphire, navy, tan, and black
Available in a large varitey of colors and sizes. Please call 828-395-1633 for color and sizes on hand.
Isothermal definition across back. Classic Isothermal logo on front left chest. Port & Company 100% cotton
100% Cotton. Isothermal Community College classic logo on left chest.
100% Cotton Classic logo on front left chest. Isothermal definition across the back.
Super soft 3/4 sleeve baseball T. Tri-blend 50% polyester, 25% cotton, 25% Rayon.